Doctor Patel Comes to Tea

DrPatelPoster_draft2This Saturday evening, April 9th, there will be a staged reading of “Doctor Patel Comes to Tea” from the book The Bell Lap  at the Bolinas Community Center. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. refreshments will be served beforehand and Davia Nelson of The Kitchen Sisters will talk with Muriel Murch afterwards. This evening also honors Erik Bauersfeld who, aged 93, moved onto other airwaves on April 3rd. Bauersfeld was mentor to many Bay Area radio and film sound professionals and a very early supporter of Please join us for a very special evening.

4 thoughts on “Doctor Patel Comes to Tea

  1. Aggie-

    So sorry to hear of your friend’s passing.

    We’re hoping to be at the community center to listen to your reading…currently, both of us are laid up with the flu.



    • Thanks for the kind thoughts. And sorry to hear about the flu. Maybe tomorrow’s sunshine will help you get better.


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